Privacy Policy for
1. Introduction
This Privacy Policy outlines how collects, uses, and protects personal information provided by users. By using our website and services, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.
2. Information We Collect
a. Personal Information:
During registration, we collect user information, including name, email address, and payment details.
b. Usage Data:
We collect data on how users interact with our website, including pages visited, time spent, and features utilized.
c. Cookies:
Our website uses cookies to enhance user experience. Cookies are small files stored on your device that help improve site functionality.
3. How We Use Your Information
a. Providing Services:
We use personal information to facilitate course enrollment, payment processing, and communication between teachers and students.
b. Improving User Experience:
Usage data helps us analyze and enhance website performance, features, and content.
c. Communication:
We may use email to send important updates, newsletters, or promotional information.
4. Third-Party Sharing
a. Teachers:
Student information is shared with teachers for course enrollment and communication purposes.
b. Payment Processors:
Payment information is processed securely by third-party payment processors.
c. Service Providers:
We may use third-party service providers for website maintenance, analytics, and marketing.
5. Cookies Policy
a. Types of Cookies:
We use session cookies for temporary data storage and persistent cookies for user preferences.
b. Opting Out:
Users can manage cookie preferences through browser settings. However, disabling cookies may affect website functionality.
6. Data Security
a. Secure Transmission:
We use industry-standard encryption to protect the transmission of sensitive information.
b. Access Controls:
Access to personal information is restricted to authorized personnel.
7. GDPR Compliance
a. User Rights:
Users in the European Union have the right to access, rectify, or erase their personal data.
b. Data Processing Consent:
By using the website, users consent to the processing of their data as outlined in this Privacy Policy.
8. Changes to Privacy Policy
a. We reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Changes will be communicated through the website.
9. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at
By using, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Calle Jaime Segarra 58-2
03012  Alicante